Oral care products for Take Care of Your Teeth
How often should I clean my teeth?
It is important to brush your teeth at least once more at bedtime and during the day with fluoride toothpaste.
Best dentist in Jaipur is suggested to you eating and drinking substances containing sugar and acids are bound to weaken the enamel of your teeth. Brushing immediately afterward can remove small particles of the top coat. It is best not to brush your teeth for at least an hour after a meal.
Brushing before going to bed is especially important. This is because the flow of saliva, which is the mouth’s own cleaning system, slows down during the night and this makes the mouth more prone to erosion.
It is important to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each — once in the morning and preferably at bedtime and at least once more during the day. Two minutes is usually enough to remove plaque and clean properly. Some people find it useful to use a stopwatch or timer as two minutes is often longer than you think. You may need to cleanse more often if you consume any sugar-rich or acidic foods.
What do I need to properly clean my teeth?
There are many different oral care products that you can get these days. Also, your dental team will be able to recommend the best toothbrush and toothpaste for you to use, as well as the best way to clean your teeth.
Which is the best toothbrush to use?
It is generally recommended that adults use a multi-tuft toothbrush with a small to medium-sized head, with bristles ranging from soft to medium-hard. These fibers should be round headed and made of nylon.
Are electric or ‘power’ toothbrushes better to use?
Some people prefer to use a power toothbrush. They are particularly useful if your limbs have a limited amount of movement or you find cleaning particularly difficult. These toothbrushes usually have heads that either spin and move back and forth, or vibrate. Some power toothbrushes are made to be thrown away when the battery dies, and some can be recharged. You can buy power toothbrushes from your local drugstore, retailer or dental team. Power toothbrushes with rotating and reciprocating heads have been shown to be most effective. Many toothbrushes come with timers to help you brush for the right amount of time.
What about children’s toothbrushes?
It is equally important for children to use the right toothbrush. Buy a small-bristled toothbrush with soft nylon bristles that is appropriate for your child’s age. According to the kids dentist there are many novelty toothbrushes for kids that encourage them to keep brushing for the right amount of time. Apart from this, there are also toothbrushes that are specially prepared for the use of children. It is necessary to supervise children under 7 years of age while brushing.
What toothpastes are available?
There are many kinds of toothpaste available and some are formulated for different needs. For gum health, sensitive teeth and smokers, there are tubes of toothpaste with bactericidal agents and other kinds of toothpaste that help restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. Your dental team can recommend the most suitable toothpaste for you according to your needs.
Should I be using fluoride toothpaste?
Yes. Most dentists recommend using fluoride toothpaste to prevent caries. It has been proven that fluoride reduces tooth decay by at least 40 percent, so everyone should be encouraged to use fluoride toothpaste. Your drinking water may already contain fluoride. Research has shown that children living in areas where there is no fluoride in the water have more tooth decay than children living in areas with fluoridated drinking water. Ask your dental team what amount of fluoride is appropriate for your teeth to take.
It is important to use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for children as they are likely to swallow some of it. Instead of rinsing, you should spit out the toothpaste after brushing, so that the fluoride doesn’t wash off.
If your dental team thinks you are at high risk of tooth decay, they may be able to prescribe a toothpaste that contains more fluoride. This higher level of fluoride may provide more protection for people who are at higher risk of caries.
I have stained teeth, which toothpaste should I use?
There are toothpastes available that can help remove stains. These are often called ‘teeth whitening’ toothpastes. It is important to realize that these toothpastes can only help restore the original shade of your teeth and they will not change their natural color.