Disadvantages of Tooth Extraction
Teeth play an important role in our life because a person who does not have teeth in his mouth becomes physically weak because he knows how to chew food properly and gradually the amount of food also decreases. .
In such a situation, teeth play a very important role for us, but for some reason, if our teeth go on erupting, then we also have to suffer the loss of tooth extraction, today we will tell about the loss of tooth extraction through this article.
Most of the people get their teeth removed when there is pain or worms in their teeth, but they do not know the harm of tooth extraction, whereas we all know that if there are no teeth left in our mouth, then without There are also many types of problems of teeth, first of all, our mouth becomes ugly and anywhere we feel ashamed of ourselves.
If there is pain in the teeth due to worms in the tooth or any other reason, then we get our teeth outgrown. But we do not know what can be the problems after tooth extraction? People get upset due to not being able to bear the pain of teeth.
Must Read : How to take good care of adult and children teeth?
That’s why most of the people get their teeth out, even after the tooth is removed, people continue to feel pain. But as we remove teeth one by one, due to our lack of teeth, there is a problem of eating and drinking.
Loss of Teeth
What are the disadvantages of tooth extraction, we will tell you here how many problems a person has to face after uprooting the teeth because we get the teeth removed. But if you do not know about their problems, then you should read this article completely and know about the disadvantages of tooth extraction which are as follows:
1. Swelling of Teeth
Friends, you should know that the swelling remains after the tooth is removed, when we remove the tooth, the swelling remains in the teeth for a few days as well as the adjacent tooth also starts swelling and pain starts.
If you have worms in your teeth, then the effect starts showing in other teeth also. In this way, due to the gradual swelling of the teeth, all the teeth have to be removed.
2. Swelling of Gums
After tooth extraction, the gums of a person remain swollen. Because when we eat food and chew with the teeth, pain and pressure is created on the gums at the place where the tooth comes out. Due to which the gums become swollen.
3. Worms In The Tooth
Many times, a cavity is formed due to the removal of teeth. Due to which the chances of getting worms in the adjacent teeth increases due to eating food and other things and sometimes due to worm infestation, there is a problem like toothache, swelling. Therefore, it becomes normal to have worms after tooth extraction.
4. Bad Breath
When we get the teeth out, gradually due to the space being created in the teeth, food and other things get trapped which cause decay. Due to which the smell starts in the mouth. Even many times people start suffering from diseases like pyorrhoea, most of the people have a bad smell in the mouth after tooth extraction.
5. Yellowing of Teeth
After tooth extraction, due to the space in other teeth, yellowing starts, sometimes along with yellowing of the teeth, black spots are also formed which later start to look bad. For yellowing of teeth, you can contact teeth cleaning clinic in Jaipur.
6. Decreased Mouth Dilation
After tooth extraction, people’s gums go into a dormant state, due to which the gums gradually become smaller and smaller and due to this, the dimensions or expansion of the mouth start decreasing.
7. Bleeding Problem
If you have dislocated a tooth, then it can be a problem that your gums keep bleeding or bleeding gums while brushing and teething and sometimes the bleeding is always mild.
8. Non-Healing of Wounds
After tooth extraction, a wound is formed in the gums, due to which it takes a long time to heal the wound, due to the formation of the wound, there is a problem in eating food and even if we eat food, the wound gets bigger day by day, many times the wound Due to lack of filling, food becomes a big problem too.
9. Numbness In Lower Lip
Although this problem does not happen to every person, but sometimes a person gets a problem like numbness in the lower part of the lip due to the extraction of teeth. If seen in this way, we see many disadvantages of tooth extraction.
Due To Tooth Loss
Many times we do not want our teeth to be uprooted, but due to many odd reasons, teeth have to be removed, although in childhood, the teeth fall out on their own, which rise again.
But for the second time in a person’s life, after the teeth erupt, they do not get back again, so it becomes very important for us, but what are the reasons for the removal of teeth, let us know by Best Dentist In Jaipur.
1. Worms In The Teeth
Due to the use of paan, masala, bidi, cigarette, etc., the teeth are damaged due to pain and the teeth are pulled out due to pain. Does matter.
2. Not Cleaning
Many people are careless about cleaning their teeth, due to which the gums of the teeth get infected and gradually there is pain in the teeth which is not cured even after taking medicine, in such a situation we have to uproot the teeth. Is.
3. By Breaking Teeth
Many times people’s teeth break due to eating any solid and hard thing, due to which gradually the problem starts in the teeth and we have to uproot those teeth.
4. Weakly
Due to the lack of food in many people, along with physical weakness, the teeth become weak, due to which there is a problem in the teeth and they uproot them. The animal layer found in the teeth becomes weak and the teeth fall out.
5. The Wrong Way to Brush
Many people brush in a hurry. Due to which the gums are cut and gradually the teeth fall on their own or there is a pain in the teeth. That’s why we outgrow our teeth.
Often when there is a problem in our teeth and even after taking medicines, the problem of teeth does not go away, then we get our teeth removed, in such a situation what can be the harm due to tooth extraction? We don’t pay attention to it. When there is a problem with the teeth, we do not see the damage, so we mostly get our teeth removed.